When the Player Dribbles the Ball With Two Hands Then Stops Then Starts Again Its Called a

Basketball Dribbling

Basketball Dribbling

Dribbling in basketball is an action the ball-handler can take to motion the ball on the court while retaining possession. Dribbling differs from passing since the same player retains control of the ball. Dribbling is a continuous movement that a player uses to repeatedly bounce the ball off the floor with 1 hand.

Basketball game Dribbler

The dribbler in basketball game is the player who has the ball. Their team is on offense, and they have the option to dribble, pass, shoot, or pivot anywhere on the court.

Dribbler's Options

One time a thespian receives the ball, they can become a dribbler. The thespian has a few main options for what they can do with the ball. The actor can choose to distill, moving toward another actor, away from the defense, or toward the basket and advance the play further. They can cull to shoot the ball, hoping to make a 2-pointer or a iii-pointer or to possibly earn two foul shots. The histrion can also choose to laissez passer the ball, whether as a bounciness pass, air laissez passer, or a chest pass. Lastly, the player can choose to pivot with the brawl to get a new angle or milk shake off their defender.

Importance of the Dribbler

Since the dribbler is the player with the brawl, they are the most important actor at that moment. The dribbler has the ability to make a play happen and has to make the decision on what to do. The dribbler should become a triple threat to the defender, meaning they can laissez passer, distill, or shoot at whatsoever moment to brand that defender's job more hard.

Basketball game Dribbling Rules

There are rules in basketball that describe how a actor tin can dribble the ball. Here are the rules of dribbling in basketball:

  • You lot tin dribble anywhere on the courtroom equally long as you stay inbounds
  • You must merely use one hand at a time (if 2 hands bear on the ball at the aforementioned time, a player loses their dribble and may pass or shoot the brawl)
  • You may accept two steps once y'all pick upward your dribble
  • You lot can bounce the brawl off the floor as loftier as you want as long as your hand stays on elevation of the ball
  • You can non concord the brawl in the air while moving on the court
  • You can non palm the ball past lifting it into the air with your hand
  • You can not stop dribbling and then start once more
  • Once y'all distill beyond one-half-court, you cannot cross dorsum to your own one-half of the court while dribbling or in possession of the ball

Picking Upward Your Dribble

At any point, the brawl-handler tin stop dribbling and option up the brawl. When a player decides to pick up their distill, they grab the ball and hold information technology without moving any further after taking their 2 allowed steps. Once a thespian picks up their dribble, they can no longer distill over again. Instead, they tin only pass, shoot, or pivot.

Basketball Pivoting

Basketball Pivoting

Pivoting in basketball is an action the ball-handler can have by rotating around their pin foot. The pivot foot is determined as the first pes that touches the ground after a thespian picks up their dribble If both feet state on the footing at the same fourth dimension, the histrion tin cull their pivot foot. A player's pivot foot must remain on the basis and stationary when pivoting and can only come off the floor when the player gives upwards possession of the brawl past passing it or taking a shot.

Dribbling Violations

Basketball Dribbling Violations

If a player breaks whatever of these dribbling rules, a violation volition exist called past the referee. Violations consequence in a turnover and the other team getting the ball. These are simple mistakes in basketball that can have a large impact during a game. Hither is a list of dribbling violations in basketball:

  • Traveling
  • Carrying/Palming
  • Double Dribble


When y'all choice up your dribble in motion, you can but take 2 steps before a referee calls you for traveling. This ofttimes occurs when a actor is driving the handbasket and stops dribbling the ball to get up for a shot or pass. If yous pick up your dribble and stop moving, you are no longer immune to have 2 steps. Your only pick once you finish moving is to pivot, shoot, or pass the ball. Steps can only occur in the process of a movement such as moving or driving to the handbasket. If a player stops dribbling and takes 3 or more steps before passing or shooting, they have traveled.


Carrying is when a actor places their paw under the basketball and continues dribbling. If you lot pick upwards the ball, y'all must stop dribbling and establish a pin foot. Carries are oft called when players lift the basketball when they dribble. Palming is a form of carrying violation that involves the player belongings or gripping the brawl in the palm of their hand to help distill rather than letting the ball hit the ground due to gravity.

Double Distill

Double dribbling is when a actor picks upwards their dribble (stops dribbling) and so starts to dribble once again. They cannot do this unless they pass the ball and have it passed back to them. Players have to exist careful to go on to dribble if they desire to movement with the ball and keep possession. Taking multiple steps in between dribbles can also issue in a double dribble.


What is dribbling in basketball?

In basketball game, dribbling is a form of maintaining possession while allowing the histrion with the brawl to movement effectually. Once a thespian has the ball, they must dribble or pass the brawl if they want to movement around the court. Dribbling involves the player pushing the brawl off of the ground in a continuous motion, allowing gravity to assist. If the role player picks the ball upwardly or lets the ball stop moving, the distill has ended. Once a thespian picks up their dribble, they can either shoot, pass, or pivot around.

Are you required to dribble the ball in basketball?

You are not always required to dribble the ball. The merely fourth dimension yous are required to dribble is if you want to move around while in possession of the ball. If you have possession of the ball, taking whatever initial steps without dribbling will result in a travel. However, if you exercise not take the ball, yous tin can motion around the court freely. Yous likewise can shoot or pass the ball without dribbling, as long as you practice not accept any steps. Additionally, you can pin before dribbling when in possession of the ball.

What is a traveling violation in basketball game?

A traveling violation is when a histrion takes more than two steps after picking upward their dribble. This usually happens when a player picks upward their dribble to shoot or pass. If a player takes more two steps without passing or shooting beforehand, it will consequence in a traveling violation and a turnover. Travels can also happen earlier a player begins dribbling if they take whatever steps before beginning their dribble. In this instance, a actor is allowed to pivot on ane human foot, but cannot yet accept a total step. If a player picks up their dribble and stops moving without taking two steps, they cannot go along to take 2 steps later. The two allowed steps must occur within the motion of picking up the dribble.


Source: https://www.rookieroad.com/basketball/101/dribbling/

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